Functional medicine practitioners take a holistic approach to patient care, looking at why the patient’s symptoms exist and what can be done to eliminate the symptoms and restore health. Rather than treating each symptom separately, the functional medicine practitioner addresses the overall health of the patient to learn the underlying cause of the symptoms, and then address the cause by supporting the normal healing processes of the body.
Using a thorough patient and family medical history, combined with the patient’s description of current symptoms, lifestyle, home and work life stressors, results of science-based, medically accepted lab tests; the practitioner and patient can work together to uncover and treat any underlying conditions. Treatment may include exercise, lifestyle factors, mind/body relationships, and adding nutritional support through diet and supplementation.
What to Expect
As a functional medicine practitioner, Dr. Ashley will be your partner in your journey to renewed health. To help her understand your current health status, we ask that you complete a comprehensive health questionnaire online. Dr. Ashley will review the information with you and discuss your in-depth personal and family medical history. She will listen to you describe your symptoms, current health concerns, past experiences, work and home life, previous illness/hospitalizations, diet, medications and other factors that might be affecting your health. She will also request your medical records from all doctors you have seen in the previous five years.
Between your first and second visits, Dr. Ashley will thoroughly review and analyze all the information provided during the initial visit along with the previous medical records she has received to get a complete picture of your current health.
At your second visit, Dr. Ashley will review her findings with you and suggest lab tests that will help determine the best next steps to address underlying conditions.
When all your labs have been completed and the results have been forwarded to Dr. Ashley, your third visit will be scheduled to discuss the lab findings and a personalized treatment plan.
Initial follow-up will be six weeks after you begin your treatment plan and then every three to six months depending on your progress.
What does it cost?
The fees for the first set of three appointments and medical records review will be approximately $1200, depending on the complexity of symptoms.
Labs and supplements are additional.
We do not take insurance, however you are free to submit claims to your insurance for your reimbursement, if covered.